Saturday, May 14, 2011

What Storm Chasers Do When They Aren't Storm Chasing...

What do Storm Chasers do when there are not chasing storms?!?
Well…When they are in Amarillo, TX, they go to the Palo Duro Canyon…

And take pictures of Long Horns…
And create North Face Advertisements…

 And take more pictures...
Awesome storm chaser professors! Thanks for everything!
Chi-O Til I Die-O! Throw what you know!
Study Buddies!
The girls with their man...
The girls with their other man...

And explore…

And up and down the caynon…

They also take trips to Wally World (a.k.a Walmart) to buy a cheap movies, heinous CD’s, Jillian Michael’s diet pills (none for me, thanks), make-up, lotion, nail polish...

and a football…And then, proceed to kick the football in the Walmart parking lot toward trucks…I mean Nathan!

After all of that strenuous activity, they need to fuel up at Fat Boys BBQ in downtown Canyon, TX…
Oh, and did I mention rockin’ out in the van…let’s just say “Roses” (by Outkast) and “Total Eclipse of the Heart” will never be the same ever again…
Then, they finally decide to return to the hotel for a briefing on forecasting storm chasing weather...
On a serious note, this has been the highlight of my trip so far. This was the first time I really got to apply everything I have been learning over the past year. In meteorology, our junior year is very tough because it is basically a general overview of atmospheric processes; however, it is not until our senior year when we get the chance to apply what we have learned and get down to the real nitty gritty detail stuff (a.k.a The Good Stuff). Today, I finally experience my first taste of applying what I have learned and really understanding what I am doing. I even had a few “light bulbs” go off because I could actually see what we have learned in real life situations. This has been a really good learning experience for all of us. Props and BIG thanks go out to Dr. Mike Brown and Renny Vandewege for allowing us to have this opportunity.
To end the day, we graced the Big Texan with our presence for dinner. This was a….hmmm…how should I explain this…it was a cultural, interesting, crazy, stomach aching experience… I think the pictures will suffice…

Ow Ow!!...
Between all of us...we ate this tonight...
Look what I found in the gift shop...just for my big sis!...
Cowboy hats!...
Lime Green Cowboy hat!!...
Hats that match our nail!...
Here's the good stuff...Cowboys....well, for the sake of my readers, we will just leave it like this...
WHO DATTT BABYYY!!!! Who's ready for some football?!? Also, just a side note, I am glad Texas has to have some Saints stuff, so that its people can know how to be REAL winners...JS...
BIG BIG CHAIR...or maybe I am just that little....
Nope, BIG chair!
Momma, how would you like to gamble here?!?...
The Side-by-Side singer who thought he could win the Big Texan Challenge...Eat a 72oz. steak, salad, baked potato, bread, and three shrimp (random)...let's just say...epic FAIL!...Maybe if his pants weren't so tight, he would have been able to finish...
Us after experiencing Mountain Oysters...bull testicles...Needless to say, we did not know what they were until after...Thanks Renny, Mike, and Papa Mark...
Dude, your shorts are little TOO short...and proping your leg up does NOT help...JS...
Dr. Brown wanted to see what all the fuss was he joined him!...
This was their view...
FOOD TIME...YUMM! Also, check out the mini Texas flag...They would...
And the souvenir cup...
Oh, yes they would!...
See..I told you it was an interesting experience...
Now, as far as storm chasing, it looks like are next best shot for storm chasing will be between Tuesday and Thursday of next week. However, because our forecasts are only based on models past 3 days, this is not a guarantee although the chances look good. As for Tuesday, our best storm chasing location looks to be in northeast Colorado, southwest Nebraska, and northwest Kansas. Although this is a small region, other regions are expected to have severe weather as well. We are only going to the “best” place for chasing, basically where all the ingredients for severe weather meet. As for Wednesday, we are looking at central/south Kansas; and for Thursday, we expect to be back north near southwest Nebraska. Although these are not guarantees, they are educated forecast areas. As we get closer, I will continue to keep you updated on our locations and itinerary.
Because it looks like we will be heading further north, we will be leaving Amarillo, TX tomorrow, and we will venture toward Liberal, KS. We will depart at approximately 10:30 a.m. tomorrow morning, stop by Cadillac Ranch, grab some lunch, and hit the road. Stay tuned for more in the life of a MSU storm chaser…

INSIDE JOKE: Relaxation Brownies, Mountain Oysters..., @RennyV: "Had a great time hanging out with Side-by-Side, a new band that is sure to be successfull...they were playing at the Big Texan - Big Time"; "Man, your shorts are TOO short, JS but not really JS"
Oh, and did I forget to mention where we ate at last night...
That's right...CHILLLEEE WILLYYY'SSS!!!....That's for you, Hilary Hotard and Brittany Bell!

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