Thursday, May 12, 2011

Day Two!

Off to Texas we go! After our morning briefing, we have decided to head southeast to the northeastern tip of Texas. Our main target area will be around Gainsville, TX; Sherman, TX, and Paris, TX. That's right, I'm going to Paris!! Here's the setup, there is a forntal boundary slowly moving eastward over central Oklahoma and Texas. There is a mesocylcone system in central TX that could possibly fire off an outflow boundary that would enhance the probability of rotation. If the boundary sets up from west to east, this would allow for longer lasting storms. There is uncertainity whether or not this will happen, but hopefully we will see something. There is a slim chance to see tornadic activity, but the biggest threat with the storms is large hail. If there is clearly no rotation with a cell that we are chasing, we will punch through the core of the storm to get some real hail action! I will post more information via Facebook and Twitter as the day continues. Keep us in your prayers!


  1. If you end up in Katy, TX let me know!

  2. Well I'm enjoying your blogs Sugar but still waiting for the phone call.
    Hugs from your biggest fan,
