Thursday, February 10, 2011


SNOW has returned to Starkville, and it is CRAZY! Most areas in Starkville received about 4 1/2-5'', while some areas received nearly 6'' (That's half a foot!) Who would have thought Starkville could hold that much precipitation in the form of SNOW! Can I say it again, IT SNOWED!!!

Here's the setup, cold air is pushing through our area from the North. This air will blow over snow and moderate our temperatures. Do not expect temperatures to reach 35F. As for melting the snow, don't count on it too much! Quick learning tid bit: The sun warms the ground and the ground, in turn, warms the air. If snow is covering the ground, two things will happen. First, the snow will reflect most of the sun's rays back into the atmosphere because of its high albedo (reflectivity). Second, the rest of the sun's rays will be used to melt the snow, rather than warming the ground. Therefore, our temperatures will not reach the projected high of 38F, and the lows tonight will be in the lower teens. If some of the ice and snow melts today, it will refreeze overnight, causing road conditions to be even worse.

As a result to this insane event, Mississippi State University has closed the Starkville campus for Thursday, and a decision will be made at 5a.m. regarding Friday classes. Roads are EXTREMELY icy, and I would advise to stay OFF all roadways. Note: The number one death related with Winter Storms is vehicle accidents. PLEASE, PLEASE STAY OFF THE ROADS! If you must drive, take necessary precautions. Stay tuned for pictures and more information regarding the progress of this slippery (not sticky) situation.


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