After a BIG meal last night, we decided to sleep in an extra hour before getting up for our morning run in Texas. We then got ready, packed up, and hit the road. But, we didn’t get too far before we stopped to check out the Cadillac Ranch! Man, was this an interesting sight…Check out the pictures below…

We wanted to leave our mark, so we spray painted one of the cars…

Check out the nice tornado spray paint job...That is talent right there!

If spray painting wasn't rebellious enough (not really), we felt the need to climb all over them as well...

We also made some new friends…They were from Westminster, CO.

Then, we hit the road. It was about a 3 ½ hour drive to Liberal, KS. When we arrived, we had another briefing to update our forecast for next week. Although we have narrowed down our "ideal" storm chase regions for Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, we have yet to narrow down a specific location where we will camp out. Tomorrow, we will split into groups and make a forecast for the next few days. Each group will chose a specific city where we feel all the ingredients come together. We will, then, combine our forecasts and collectively chose our destination. We will brief at noon tomorrow, and I will then post where we will be chasing. As for tomorrow, we will depart Liberal, KS around 1p.m. and travel north about an hour to Garden City, KS. This is will help with travel time on Tuesday.
Tonight, we dinned in a local Mexican restaurant called...

It was good, but it was no La Terreza or Mi Hacienda...JS
However, there was one really cool picture in this place...

...Ok, I lied...It was creepy, definitely not cool...
I think we will call it an early night tonight before things start to get really hectic...Stay tuned for more updates...
INSIDE JOKE: " What about flying cow points?"; Bazooka Gum Joke Wrapper:
Person 1: "I love this new meteorology website. It lets you know exactly what the weather is 24 hours a day!"
Person 2: "Big deal. I have something like that at my house."
Person 1: "Really? What do you call it?"
Person 2: "A window"
....Just ask Renny for his response lol!
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